Greetings and salutations all! I know it has been awhile since last I blogged about House, but thanks to @allthingsdecent on Twitter, I was inspired again, blowing the dust off my blog.
With the NCAA Championship coming up, my good friend suggested a Huddy Tournament (House and Cuddy for those who are wondering what the heck is "Huddy.") with the selection of sixty-four memorable Huddy scenes from seven seasons of the show. She was looking for takers for the task and, alas, I bit.
So, what do I need from my readers? I need some scene suggestions, since finding sixty-four might be a bit of a challenge for one person to partake.
To make life easy, in the comments section write your suggested scene and the season from which it comes. There is a method to my madness. (You may insert an evil laugh here.)
Hey, if this is successful I may even try a full House bracket and not just a Huddy one. Go forth, start thinking and post your suggestions in the comments section.
Thank You!
Okay, some scenes off the top of my head (I rarely remember episode titles, so let me know if you can't figure out which eppy I'm talking about):
Bench from One Day One Room
"My penis stopped breathing"
Strip pole in House's Head
IVF shot
"Stop staring at my ass"
The exam from Airborne
Cuddy's "review"
Dance to "Time After Time"
"I know when my Vicodin isn't vicodin"
"I'm ovulating, let's go!"
"How guilty does she look?"
Makeout sesh from Under My Skin
"Why does everyone think we slept together?" from Humpty Dumpty
"I can't concentrate, Cuddy is naked" from Selfish
Cuddy grabs House's junk from Selfish
House takes Cuddy's hand in parking lot from Selfish (Hell, just ALL Of Selfish)
"Funny, friends is the last thing I want us to be"
H&C watching the video together in UGLY
First time they make love in NOW WHAT?
Bath together in NOW WHAT
Ceiling sex in NOW WHAT
House can't get the nerve to enter Cuddy's house in THE ITCH
"Why do you care if I'm happy?"
House meets Rachel for the first time
House watches Cuddy see Rachel for the first time
Cuddy gives House mouth to mouth in House's Head
Cuddy and House share intimate conversation, he pretends to trip in CANE AND ABEL
House and Cuddy in Rachel's nursery doing a DDx, only have eyes for each other ("Scent of a man, baby!")
"I will Always Choose You" from Recession Proof.
Ha, okay, that's enuf for now!!!
okay i feel a bit intimidated by max's outburst ... lol but let me see if i can come up with something she didn't list...
cuddy betting him 10$ for every patient he doesn't neet to touch (she gives him a damn fine dirty look) - one day one room
the scene where she's at house's appartement 'do you mind if i come in?' 'no, do you mind if i leave?' - dying changes everything
cuddy asking house if he sedated her mother, him saying its a birthday gift. - larger than life
the omg she wears no thong scene - you don't want to know
cuddy's mom wanting them to get back together and house figures it out - changes!
R2 reminded me! How could I forget one of the Top 10 Huddy scenes EVAH? "Call the Make a Wish Foundation!" (Could be a 2 seed! 3 at lowest.) Okay, I'll stop now.
After being vilified by ATD on twitter I have changed my vote. In my defence I was the third person voting and thought last scene in" Help Me" was last scene in" Now What"
And I do like the laser pen scene.......
The scene where Cuddy imitates Stacy and House just smiles at her (I'm really bad with ep names, early S2 tho)
The peace penguin scene from Unwritten
Ankle grab from Bombshells (are we allowed to choose scenes from Bombshells o.o)
"I feel hurt" from Moving On (are we're allowed to choose scenes from Moving On O.O)
THE DANCE from Known Unknowns
That's all I've got for now.
Riiiight - Max's list is perfect, I will only add a couple more:
- "you do make me feel funny", season 6, House& CUddy in his office (was it known Unknown?)
- The Itch, full episode! Wilson's speech to Cuddy, House grabbing his keys and running to Cuddy <3
- the October/October scene on the balcony
- staring at each other after House finds what's wrong with Arlene, Arlene lying in bed
- House and Cuddy standing in front of PPTH entrance, awkward moment before Rachel's simchat bat
- House "using" the guy who can only say the truth to tell Cuddy that she is beautiful - better than 13 even
- car scene in 5 to 9
- in Unwritten, normal is boring, you make me a better person, I've never been happier (crying right now)
Let's see if I can think of anything else! :)
Joy kiss
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