Greetings and salutations all! I know it has been awhile since last I blogged about House, but thanks to @allthingsdecent on Twitter, I was inspired again, blowing the dust off my blog.
With the NCAA Championship coming up, my good friend suggested a Huddy Tournament (House and Cuddy for those who are wondering what the heck is "Huddy.") with the selection of sixty-four memorable Huddy scenes from seven seasons of the show. She was looking for takers for the task and, alas, I bit.
So, what do I need from my readers? I need some scene suggestions, since finding sixty-four might be a bit of a challenge for one person to partake.
To make life easy, in the comments section write your suggested scene and the season from which it comes. There is a method to my madness. (You may insert an evil laugh here.)
Hey, if this is successful I may even try a full House bracket and not just a Huddy one. Go forth, start thinking and post your suggestions in the comments section.
Thank You!